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Psoas Release
The psoas or hip flexor muscle extends from deep in the lumbar spine, through the pelvis to the femur. The psoas works by flexing the hip joint in walking or kicking motions. A tight or contracted psoas muscle can cause pain in the low back, the sacral region, the buttocks, the groin and pelvis and radiating pain down the leg.
Psoas complications can make it difficult to go from sitting to standing or to stand upright and may cause limping or shuffling while walking. Psoas pain may be overlooked because there are numerous other complications that can cause the same symptoms.
Releasing a tight, contracted and possibly shortened hip flexor muscle is made difficult by the fact that it lies deep in the tissue. Gentle pressure on superficial points, re-positioning for greater access and stretching of the psoas muscle elongates the muscle fibers, alleviates pain and restores mobility. Follow up care in the form of stretching, exercise and potentially relaxation techniques is typically necessary to prevent re-occurrance.
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